There's actually no such thing as vegetables. Here's why you should eat them anyway

The True Nature of Fruits and Vegetables #
It turns out that the distinction between fruits and vegetables can be a bit misleading from a botanical standpoint. While botanically speaking, fruits are anything that contains seeds, the term vegetable is a broad category that includes various edible plant parts. Carrots and beets, for example, are actually roots, while lettuce and spinach are leaves. Stems like celery and asparagus, and immature flowers like broccoli and artichokes, are also considered vegetables. On the other hand, produce like peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, eggplant, and avocados are botanically classified as fruits. The legal definitions of fruits and vegetables vary, and a Supreme Court case in the 19th century classified tomatoes as vegetables. From a nutritional perspective, experts emphasize the importance of consuming a variety of vegetables, as they offer different beneficial nutrients. Consuming fruits and vegetables is linked to a decreased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Encouraging children to eat vegetables from a young age can establish healthy eating habits and reduce the risk of chronic diseases later in life.